
Showing posts from May, 2008

Let's Learn TOEFL

Friends, Everyone who want to continue his/her study to the higher program such as Master and Doctoral Program must pass TOEFL Test, at least usually they have to pass about 520 PBT international TOEFL. What kind of the Test in TOEFL? well, firstly we will get about listening test, the second one we are going to have like grammar, and then reading comprehension. Well more oven for International Test there is written test. Learn TOEFL : 1. Yani .... to the party today a. come b. is came c. has coming d. is being coming e. is going to become 2. Lisa is secretary .... for Indosat. a. whom b. who c. that d. which e. a to be continue :)

Let's Make Calculator Program In Pascal!

Hi.. Friends, at this occasion, Let's try to make Calculator software Program in Pascal. You will just need TPW (Turbo pascal for Window as Compiler), or you can also can use Borland Delphi 5, 6 or 8. Here is the source code : Program Kalkulator; uses wincrt; var op1 : real; op2 : real; opr : string; hasil : real; begin write('Entry Bilangan 1 = '); readln(op1); write('Entry Operator = '); readln(opr); write('Entry Bilangan 2 = '); readln(op2); If opr='+' then hasil:= op1 + op2 else if opr='-' then hasil:=op1 - op2 else if opr='*' then hasil:=op1 * op2 else if opr='/' then hasil:=op1 / op2; writeln; writeln('Hasil adalah = ',hasil:0:2); End. IT' easy eanough, right. just try at home :)! Created By Ader

Visual Basic.Net 2005

Visual Basic.Net is new developments tools from Microsoft which support Object Oriented Programing (OOP). Form this software, hopping that all application which has built by.Net include (C++.Net, J#.Net, ASP.Net,etc) will run in any other Operating systems. Well..have you ever tried this software? as a matter of fact, if you have familiar with Visual Basic 6.0 You will not too difficult to learn it, why. Because You will still use codding of VB. 6.0 (That's what we call to Visual Basic 6.0) in Visual Basic .Net 2005. In Database, we can share with DBMS SQL Server 2005 for advanced. if you are always using local DBMS such as Access, from now on, you had better choose Network Database such as SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005 or Oracle. Created By Ader.

Welcome to ITB

ITB is one of the Universities or Institutes in Indonesia. ITB is the most famous University in Indonesia. many students from senior high school from different city in Indonesia hope that they will be accepted in ITB. There are some Faculties in ITB such as Informatics, Machine Technique, Astronomy, Biology, Mathematics,etc. ITB not only has Bachelor Degree program but also Master and Doctoral Program. STEI stands for "Sekolah Tekhnik Elekto dan Informatika" or Schools of Technique and Informatics have some programs like Informatics(S2), Software Engineering(S2),Information Systems(S2). Well..So, are hopping to study in ITB ?

Let’s Know about STMIK?

STMIK or School of Information of Technology, these days in Indonesia grow fast. Let’s just talk in west java and Banten, School of Information of Technology growt more than 300 institution. Many major in STMIK offer their computer skills such as Informatics engineering, Informatics of Management, Accounting, etc. Why do university student right now would rather choose Information Technology department than other departmenet such as agriculture, because these days many university students think that work in the company is more interesting than in the field area. In this department, they already know that Bill Gates, Chairrman of Michosoft who is the third rich man in the World come from Informtics department, and also working in Computer department will make someone be easy to work in IT department. So, what’s your major?