
Showing posts from March, 2010

Download Hospital Project

Dear my university students, I was sorry that I couldn't come to the Class, actually today we will build project using Visual Basic.Net 2003 and DBMS of SQL Server 2000, but as a changed, here I upload the material so You can download and practice it. What you need to practice off course your computer which are the Software of Microsoft Visual Basic.Net 2003 and Microsoft SQL Server 2000. Here is the link : Download Hospital Project Part One Well.., The material written in Bahasa Indonesia, Just cheer and Practice it, if there is any problem perhaps you can send Mail to :)

Download O.S

Dear, my universities students, I apologize that today I couldn't come to the Campus, There is a task for You all to do. You all have to "Membuat Resume" from page 17 upto page 24 about WINDOWS THREAD ANS SMP MANAGEMENT. Here is the link : Download S.O . OK, Just do the Task..(Lecture :Ade Rahmat Iskandar). Well..beside that, If you want try to make "double Boot" of Your Operating system such as Windows XP-Sp2 and Linux Ubuntu 8.10, Perhaps, You make do it, as a reference, here is I share the File (pdf), You can download and practice it..., here is the link Download Cara Bikin Dual Boot Windows dan Linux . Have a try it..!

DSS with Balanced Scorecard

Well..these days, programming languages are not only supporting TPS(Transaction Processing System) but also for some managers or decision makers. As a mater of fact some software like Balanced Scorecard Designer is supporting for decision makers. What we can find in the software, actualy we can easily export our file to Excell, HTML, even make Dasboard Report, some Graph or using chart. To run this program is so simple, we can just define weight of a strategy, as we know the first thing we have to do is defining the Vision and Mission and finally define some strategies. Actualy the software of balanced Scorecard Designer is licency, so..of course we have to buy it, or even we can just get trial for the moment, ge.., shal we try it.