
Showing posts from September, 2016

Today's "Tugas Pendahuluan" of DSS

1. Analisis oleh saudara mengenai : a) Decision support System b) Business Intelligence 2. Analisis oleh saudara empat fase dalam proses pengambilan keputusan . 3. Analisis model-model berikut yang digunakan dalam DSS : a) Iconic b) Analog c) Quantitative 4. Analisis oleh saudara DSS in Human  

Join group Decision Support System

This group containts of Decision support system which created for Midle and Strategic level. here is the link : Decision Support System

Join Group Applied Database III

This group is created for the students who take Applied Database III lesson. this course consits of Datawarehouse expecially the transformation for OLTP to OLAP in the case study. mor oven this course should deliver Business Intelligence. here is the link to join : AppliedDatabase3

Join Applied Database I

Mata kuliah Applied Database 1menjelaskan pemahaman secara general mengenai Data warehouse, Data Mining, Business Intelligence dan into to Big Data. pada bagian teknis akan di praktekan konsep aplikasi ERP menggunakan tools open source Pentaho. here is the link : AppliedDatabase1