
Showing posts from January, 2009

Get Buku Visual Basic .Net 2005 !

Image this case, let me write in Indonesian :). Ada buku berjudul "Pemrograman Visual Basic.Net 2005 & Aplikasi Nyata dengan DBMS SQL Server 2005" yang dikarang oleh Ade Rahmat Iskandar dan Yono Suryadi. Kita sadari,Era programming di jaman ini mengarah ke era Open source, dengan era .Net (baca dot Net), diharapkan program akan berjalan dalam O.S apapun,Microsoft sudah pasti, Linux atau pun yang lainnya, Buku ini bagi Rekan Mahasiswa Informatika, para Pelajar SMK Informatika atau pun, para Dosen Informatika bisa menggunakan buku ini sebagai pegangan di Laboratorium Komputer. Kenapa...! karena buku memuat 90% contoh kasus program nyata, yang diterangkan secara eksplisit pada tiap kasusnya, Runtunan,selection, looping, procedure, function, Array, DDL at SQL Server 2005, DML, Project Nyata dengan VB.Net 2005 dan SQL Server 2005, (Program Master sampai Transaksi). Dengan harga yang be economical Rp. 23.000,- Silahkan Dapatkan di Toko Buku Gramedia. (der0109- Image from g...

Miss to Blogging!

It's about six months, I didn't write to full fill some articles. My friend is still blogging up to now, well.. I feel happy, too with so many blogs and some .Com and .Info. We know that blogging is not only can write some articles or just make a char but also we can get money from this thing.'s for this reason, blogging is nicer than just make a simple chat for me, and You, too right. well..Hope, from now on, I can write and write, share knowledge and find 'Rezeki' from Internet, as far as it's 'Halal', Why not.. :) !

Obama is America!

Every body feel happy Obama's winning, but when Obama gives his first speech, he didn't talk even about his disagree to Israel, well.. Yup, my teacher said yup, Obama is Obama, yes, we hope that God will gives us good situation not only in my country but also in all around muslim world. In another hand, exactly many government hopes that Obama will run his government or International government wiser than Bush, they hope that there will no war any more, even if Israel is 'sekutu' of USA, Obama have to give funishment, if Israel attack Palestina again. and we have that united Nation is going to have a power to force or protect power, see..when Israel attack many folk in Palestina, 'PBB' didn't do the good thing, Hope that our world is going to be in the peace!

Master Degree Sesions !

knowing that my friend has already been accepted by MGT or Magister Game of Technology ITB. well it was taken last November 2008, but it will just start by the end of this month (January 2009), well Congratulation My Friend ! Hi friends, for you, why don't we try to apply for this scholarship, too. perhaps every year ITB and Diknas always hold the Scholarship for this program, the requirements are, Pass English Proficiency Test ITB at least 77 or it's the same as about 475 international TOEFL, and we have to alse pass TPA (academic Potency Test) Bappenas at least 475, it's usually need for about 80 uniersity students, so, it's may enough, right! (Der0109).