
Showing posts from March, 2012

Thank You Bapak. Ir. Kridanto Surendro, M.Sc, Ph.D

About two years and 5 months I studied at ITB for Informatics Major with Information System specialist. Entering the 3rd semester  up to January 2012, I was guided by Bapak. Ir. Kridanto Surendro, MS.c, Ph.D. so much knowledge, research and experiences make us be good university students in research, insya allah. continued

How to Invite Students to Research

Conducting research is one of the main jobs for a lecturer. The Lecturer usually just conduct the job that's teaching. These days research and conduct community service are main jobs for the lecturer. Applying some paper in national and international journals is one of the researches that can be conducted by Lecturers. Previous ago there was KNSI stands for "Komite Nasional Sistem Informasi" held last month in Bali. so many researchers came to Bali, most of them are Lecturer, beside that some are university students from IS-ITB. I wish I could come there, one of the reasons is about the fee.., Bali is far from Bandung, if there is an institution that cover the fee and accommodation perhaps we should be there. the cost for flight is rather expensive unless we get sponshorships. So, how to invite students to research? these question firstly should be answer bu the Lecturer who teach the students. the first answer is the Lecturer should give them example that they alw...

Hakekat kebahagiaan

Apa sebenarnya hakekat dari sebuah kebahagiaan? Apakah ketika mendapatkan pasangan yang cakap, pintar, kaya tetapi pelit? Atau ketika mendapatkan pasangan yang tidak cakap, bodoh, tapi dermawan dan penyayang? Apa yang anda pilih dengan dua kondisi tersebut? Belum tentu apa yang terlihat oleh kita, adalah yang sebenarnya. Belum tentu yang terlihat menderita kehidupannya menderita. Dan sebaliknya belum tentu yang terlihat sangat senang belum tentu bahagia. Bahagia itu adalah kalimat yang paling abstark dan relatif. Makna bahagia dalam Islam adalah: 1. Jiwa yang tentram karena telah tercapainya suatu harapan Inti dari bahagia itu adalah jiwanya tenang, meskipun harapan terpenuhi akan tetapi jika jiwanya tidak tenang maka ia tidak bahagia dan sebaliknya jika harapan tidak terpenuhi tetapi jiwa tenang maka ia bahagia.

What is software enginering

Software engineering (SE) is the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software, and the study of these approaches; that is, the application of engineering to software.[ Alain Abran, James W. Moore ; editors, Pierre Bourque, Robert Dupuis. (2004). Pierre Bourque and Robert Dupuis. ed ] It is the application of engineering to software because it integrates significant mathematics, computer science and practices whose origins are in engineering.[ ACM (2006). "Computing Degrees & Careers" . ACM . Retrieved 2012-03-05 ] It is also defined as a systematic approach to the analysis, design, assessment, implementation, testing, maintenance and reengineering of software, that is, the application of engineering to software.[ Laplante, Phillip (2007) ] The term software engineering first appeared in the 1968 NATO Software Engineering Conference, and was meant to provoke thought regarding the perceived ...