Friendship or Education in FaceBook

Well, these days everybody must have known about faceBook, right. About three months ago, one of my university students who weorks in Jakarta chat me via Google Talk. He offer me to join facebok,"well, that's Ok I said at thta time". So, what can we get, if we join in facebook, friendship or open our privacy, education.

Of course, the answer is up to You, guys. Even Internet is named by GIGO. If we enter gold in exactly will come gold out, but if we enter garbage in, garbage out is a must. In Facebok, perhaps You will share your profile, Photos to others in all around the world, of course for the one who permitted.

One of my friend, was cnfuse due to her photograps in her facebook, maybe it'sone of the tips, don't share any photos which containts your privacy, just think who will you invite as some friends. Try to make some friends for what's we called in Indonesian 'Silaturahmi' so, by 'Silaturahmi' it can make us get some benefits (in Indonesian--Rezeki'), So, are you Joining or Not, up to You :).
created By Ader

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