
Showing posts from May, 2009

"UTS Susulan" of PTI of UNIKOM

Dear My Univ. Students. I have to apologize, I promise you that I would post "Soal UTS Susulan PTI" last tuesday, But I just do it today (friday), I was sorry, here is the "Soal Ujian Ssusulan UTS PTI" You can download it, bellow : UTS Susulan PTI Hope, You can do it soonly, and send to me for correcting at , Thank You.

Download O.S for Univ. Students of UNIKOM

Dear my Univ. Students. I have to apologize to my Univ. student of UNIKOM for MI-18, MI-19, MI-21, and also MI-16-K, because tommorow, I have an enggagment, so I prefare to write the lessons in the Blog. You can download it bellow. And Also, for my University student "Employee Class" I appologize tommorow, I can't get into Class, The material has already been upload, also. Instalasi Mandriva 2008 Hope, You can try it at Campus or your home. Well, Just try to find the disk, or you can download it, if you have good internet service provider. Thank You.

Download PTI for Univ. Students of UNIKOM

Dear my UNiversity students, I have to appologize, 2 weeks ago, I had a permmision not to teach in UNIKOM for my Univ. Students (MI-13, MI-14, MI-15, MI-16K), because my wife was getting a baby in Kuningan. In another day, I have a test in Beloved Campus ITB, so I have to cancelled, also.Now You can download the material of PTI, here is the path : Telekomunikasi Artificiall Intelligence New Download Adsense Material Hope, I can soon, get to the cllas again.Thank You.

Starting Class in ITB

Alhamdulilahi robil 'alamin, When my frined called me that I got score of TPA Bappenass over 475. Alhamdulilah also, in the last time I have already passed TOEFL or ELPT of Intsitute of Techology Bandung. Exactly it's not because I have been capable in English or Math even in Informatics but Allah would like me to study in Master of ITB, Insya Allah. Hope I can start to study in ITB on the 18th of August 2009. In this session I would like to thank to : 1. My Mother 'Ety Suparty' 2. My Father 'Mahpud Iskandar' 3. My beloved wife 'Yani Sumartini' 4. My Beautiful daughter 'Khansa Deya Nur Dzakirah' 5. My Mother-in-law 'Nengsih' 6. My Father law 'Abidin' 7. DR. Rahmad Hidayat, M.Eng 8. Ir. Ahmad Suryan, MT 9. Dede Sumarna, Spd 9. All my families or friends who I can't tell one by one. Once Thanks so much.