Comblabs in ITB

Well..talking about 'Technology' in Indonesia! of course we point 'ITB', as a matter of fact there some Universities which conduct on IT program like ITS or 'Institute Teknologi Semarang' even Universitas Indonesia and other Universites. But why people may say ITB for talking technology, yup..As Indonesian we can be proud of ITB, because it Local Universities but International rewards.

Not to say in Indonesian that I am "Narsis..!!",he..he..Because I am right now Studying in Informatics of ITB but ITB now in 90th of the best Universities in the World. the 5th in German, the 3td in Japan, and the 1st in 'Rusia', it's for this reason so many students also come from abroad.

Even so many majors and faculties in ITB like FMIPA, STEI, FTSL, 'Sekolah Farmasi' in this College, there is 'Comblabs' that provides studetns and even other public to master Technology in Computer lie Programming Language, so that for some one wh mastering IT, it's not only for the ones who study in STEI or 'Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika' but also other students who come from any other majors.

Well..., so if you wish to master IT just come to Comblabs, the best IT training in Indonesia

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