
Showing posts from October, 2009

Normalization in Data Quality

well.. the first time I study in Informatics of ITB we studied about "Data quality" the goal of this lesson is to make the data more quality as semantic word is free error, good analysis. This Lesson also content of Database like on how we make data be normalized. in this occasion I will share about Normalization. Exactly we have to know about 1NF up to Boys Code Normal Form (BCNF). The table can be said get into 1NF or first normal form if the table is atomic, it means that the data can not be decomposition any more. How about 2NF the table is stated in 2nd Normal Form if all non prime attribute depends absolutely to primary key, it means there is no partial non prime attribute that depends on another key let say candidate key. 3NF or 3rd Normal form means that the table must have been in 2NF and then the second one there is no prime attribute that force another prime attribute, so if the table is 3NF of course the table is 2NF and 1NF, the last how about BNCF, well BCNF is ...

Middle Test in ITB

It was the first time I took the Midle Test or it's called Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS). Gee.. it's really make us be dizzy if didn't prepare it well. For Management Information system and Process and modelling to informations absolutely have to read them and master them well. Well.. how about Intelligent business and software engineering need us to solve the problem as an enginier in IT, and the last days Paradigm for Programming " it was all about DFA (Deterministic Finite Automata),and also "Data Quality" it's more about functional defendeciy, in another hand for being good DBA we must master this lesson, right! ge... it's really interesting but need some effort from us of course. Of course No Cheat, no discuss.. we ware going to feell ashamed as ITB's university studetn we we did the bad thing like that.

Data warehouse

well..talking about data warehouse is so interesting these days. Suppose that we have already mastered 'Database itself'. Data ware house looks like giant database that can support some principles for decision making. In Data ware house also contain of what we call Back room and front room. I just wanna give a sample, one day we well have lunch at "Food restaurant of Institute of Technology Bandung", what should we do is of course we request for the food. we can say the food is data, and int the kitchen we call it staging area where the food is cooked by good chef. when we wanna know about the food that we requested we aren't allowed to get to the kitchen and there is another worker who explain us about the food which is still cooked, in the dining room we can say it's front room. So, back room is a place for getting source from our system that we can get from such as transactional database or flat files and in this place there is also "staging area"...