Middle Test in ITB

It was the first time I took the Midle Test or it's called Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS). Gee.. it's really make us be dizzy if didn't prepare it well. For Management Information system and Process and modelling to informations absolutely have to read them and master them well.

Well.. how about Intelligent business and software engineering need us to solve the problem as an enginier in IT, and the last days Paradigm for Programming" it was all about DFA (Deterministic Finite Automata),and also "Data Quality" it's more about functional defendeciy, in another hand for being good DBA we must master this lesson, right! ge... it's really interesting but need some effort from us of course.

Of course No Cheat, no discuss.. we ware going to feell ashamed as ITB's university studetn we we did the bad thing like that.

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