Why Zachman's Framework
Since The Zachman Framework™ classification was observed empirically in the structure of the descriptive representations (the architecture) of buildings, airplanes and other complex industrial products, there is substantial evidence to establish that The Zachman Framework™ is the fundamental structure for Enterprise Architecture and thereby yields the total set of descriptive representations relevant for describing an Enterprise.
The Zachman Framework™ typically is depicted as a bounded 6 x 6 "matrix" with the Communication Interrogatives as Columns and the Reification Transformations as Rows. The Framework classifications are represented by the Cells, that is, the intersection between the Interrogatives and the Transformations. This matrix would necessarily constitute the total set of descriptive representations that are relevant for describing something... anything: in particular an enterprise. For getting more understandable, it maybe we can try to practice it analysis our enterprise with framework of Zachman.