Lecture and "Laskar Pelangi"

This movie has been famous not only in Indonesia but it can be ad in the future because there was a planning for translating into English, so every body in another country will understand about the story of the movie. there are some good messages from this movie such as "please become people who give more than hoping to","In simple condition there will be good chance if we try to get it". How can the students who just ten students that study in Primary School of Muhamadiyah survive until they be success people in the future.

Let's call him "Bintang", the student who went to school should wait in the road due to an alligator that always in his road. how can he motivated their friends when one teacher left them because there wasn't salary in that school,gee.. it's human, how can the teachers can survive there, if they didn't get salary, they just get some rice in two month. Bintang could motivate some friends who didn't study anymore. Finally they all survived and be the winner in competition of "Cerdas-cermat" in indonesian.

Still remember in the senior high school, there was no electric, computer and of course Internet. Continuing to Informatics University for Bachelor Degree, and now still finishing Thesis in Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) and now try to teach as Informatics Lecture. "Subhanawllah..." The story of "Laskar Pelangi" looks like writer's experience.

Hoping that can get big spirit for doing and finishing his thesis, hoping to be the one that succeed not only in knowledge or science but also in his material to help other people, to be the man who values for other people[his parents, his family and his moslem's family and other people], for in this world and live after Amiin..

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