International Seminar at ITB 2015
Call for paper : Asalamu'alaikum researchers...
The International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI2015) will be held in Bali, Indonesia on August 10 – 11, 2015. This conference is an international event organized by the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ITB, Indonesia and co-organised by Faculty of Information Science & Technology, UKM, Malaysia. The purpose of this conference is to provide a forum for researchers, scientists and engineers from all over the world to exchange ideas and discuss recent progress in all fields of electrical engineering and informatics from basic science to practical applications. The organizing committee cordially invites you to participate in the conference.
The scopes of the conference are Power Engineering, Telecommunication, Control Engineering, Information Technology, Electronics, Informatics, Data Base and Software Engineering, Biomedical Engineering and Computer Engineering
Original papers on the following topics, but not limited to, are welcome to be submitted:
Fundamental and Education
Power Engineering
The International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI2015) will be held in Bali, Indonesia on August 10 – 11, 2015. This conference is an international event organized by the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ITB, Indonesia and co-organised by Faculty of Information Science & Technology, UKM, Malaysia. The purpose of this conference is to provide a forum for researchers, scientists and engineers from all over the world to exchange ideas and discuss recent progress in all fields of electrical engineering and informatics from basic science to practical applications. The organizing committee cordially invites you to participate in the conference.
The scopes of the conference are Power Engineering, Telecommunication, Control Engineering, Information Technology, Electronics, Informatics, Data Base and Software Engineering, Biomedical Engineering and Computer Engineering
Original papers on the following topics, but not limited to, are welcome to be submitted:
Fundamental and Education
Power Engineering
Power Systems and Energy
High Voltage Engineering and Insulation Technologies
Electrical Machines, Power Electronics & Industry Applications
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Communication Systems
Radar and Its Applications
Satellite Communication
Antenna and Propagation
Broadcasting Technology
Signal Processing in Communications
Wireless and Mobile Communication
Control Engineering
Control Theory and Application
Computer Vision and Robotics
Computer Engineering
Computer Architecture Design
Pervasive Computing and Network
Real Time and Embedded Systems
Parallel and Distributed Computing
Operating Systems
Intelligent System
Network Management and Security
Sensors and Telemetry System
VLSI and IC Design
Industrial Electronics
Information Technology & Informatics
Audit, Security and Governance
Knowledge Management
Information Systems
Software Engineering
Learning Systems
Simulation Systems
Information Technology Application
IT Management and Assurance
Digital Right Management
Database and Software Engineering
Database and Programming
Data Mining
Multimedia Services and Applications
Biomedical Engineering
Image Processing
Biomedical Instrumentation
Biomedical Imaging and Image Processing
Bioinformatics and Telemedicine
Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Drug Delivery Systems
Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Engineering
English is the official language of the conference. All documents must also be written in English.
Paper Submission
You are invited to submit a 6 pages 2-columns format (A4 size) paper to the Conference Secretariat by April 13, 2015 via the conference website. The paper must include title, author’s name(s), affiliation(s), mailing and e-mail addresses, phone and fax numbers. Submitted paper shall follow the conference paper (IEEE Microsoft Word) format.
The authors of the accepted papers are requested to submit full-paper’s camera-ready manuscripts by July 6, 2015. The author’s kit and detailed instructions for paper preparation and submission may be found in the conference website.
Accepted papers will be notified to the corresponding author on June 8, 2015. Selected papers will be considered to be published in the Journal of Electrical Engineering & Informatics (ISSN 2085 – 6830).
Important Dates
Full Paper Submission April 13, 2015
Notification of Acceptance June 8, 2015
Camera-Ready Paper Deadline July 6, 2015
Early Bird Registration June 22, 2015
Last Registration July 6, 2015
The conference will be held in Bali, Indonesia.
ICEEI Secretariat, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung, 40132, Indonesia, Telp: +62-22-2502260, Fax: +62-22-2534222
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