Feeling happines in Ramadhan Month 1436H -- some good deeds

Alhamdulilah, we are in 7 day of Ramdahan 1436 H, so, what can we do in Ramadhan month to increase our faith to Allah SWT, here perhaps some things that can be done in Ramadhan month :
1. Fasting of Ramadhan
This month is so fantastic month for Moslems, every good deeds will be count more than usual month, if we conduct prayer individually it will be count like we pray together, Subhanallah...
2. Conduct Tarawih prayer
in our usual month, perhaps for someone who usually conduct "tahajud prayer" in this Ramadhan changed to "tarawih prayer", although there are difrerent thing whether conducted 11 'rakaat' or 23 'rakaat', the most important thing is we must conduct 'tarawih prayer', isn't it :)
3. Read holly qur'an
to read holy qur'an is our obligation as Moslems beside conduct prayer and other deeds, it's not only read holly qur'an but also try to learn and implement it (it called 'tadabur' qur'an). we must have our willing to finish 30 juz of Qur'an in Ramadhan month, one of the way to finish it is; please read 2 sheet after taken obligatory prayer (after Isya read 2 sheet, after Subuh read 2 sheet, after Dzuhur read 2 sheet, after Ashar read 2 sheet, after Magrib read 2 sheet) finally, by the end of Ramadhan month we will finish all sheet of holly Qur'an (30 Juz); belive it insya allah :)
4. Give alms (in Arabic called shodakoh)
5. Umroh for the one who can conducted (capable in money, time, and health)

of course, there are some other good deeds in Ramadhan, so just align our intention and perfected the good action or good deeds, Hopefully...we can enter this Ramadhan with the best effort, we can do :)

My own writing: Ade rahmat, I

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