Linked List--Menu

Well, here is example of Linked List for Student record...

#include <conio.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

struct List{
    int NIM;
    char Nama[20];
    float IPK;
    List *Next;

List *Head, *Baru, *PNow, *PAkhir, *HNow, *HBfr;
int Pilih;

int main()
 Head = new(List);
 Head -> Next = NULL;

  cout<<"*  M E N U   U T A M A           *\n";
  cout<<"* 1. Add Data (di akhir)         *\n";
  cout<<"* 2. Add Data (di awal)          *\n";      
  cout<<"* 3. View Data                   *\n";
  cout<<"* 4. Search Data                 *\n";
  cout<<"* 5. Delete Data                 *\n";
  cout<<"* 6. Min & Max Value             *\n";
  cout<<"* 7. Exit                        *\n";
  cout<<"Pilih Menu [1/2/3/4/5/6/7] : ";cin>>Pilih;

   case 1 : // Add Data (di akhir)
            char Lagi ='Y';

             Baru = new (List);
             cout<<"Masukan NIM              : ";cin>>Baru -> NIM;
             cout<<"Masukan Nama             : ";cin>>Baru -> Nama;
             cout<<"Masukan IPK             : ";cin>>Baru -> IPK;
             PAkhir = NULL;
             PNow = Head -> Next;
             if(PNow == NULL)
               //List masih kosong
               Baru -> Next = PNow;
               Head -> Next = Baru;
               //List sudah berisi data
               //Cari posisi elemen terakhir
               while ((PNow != NULL) && (PNow -> NIM != Baru -> NIM))
                PAkhir = PNow;
                PNow = PNow -> Next;
               //Tambahkan data di akhir list
               if (PAkhir == NULL)
                Baru -> Next = PNow;
                Head -> Next = Baru;
                Baru -> Next = PNow;
                PAkhir -> Next = Baru;
             cout<<"Input data Lagi [Y/T] : ";cin>>Lagi;
            }while (Lagi == 'Y' || Lagi == 'y');
   case 2 : // Add Data (di awal)
   case 3 : // View Data
            if (Head->Next == NULL)
             cout<<"List Kosong\n";
             PNow = Head -> Next;
             while (PNow != NULL)
              cout<<"NIM               : "<<PNow -> NIM<<endl;
              cout<<"Nama              : "<<PNow -> Nama<<endl;
              cout<<"IPK         : "<<PNow -> IPK<<endl;
              PNow = PNow -> Next;
   case 4 : // Search Data
            int count = 1;
            int NIM_Cari;

            cout<<"Masukan NIM yang dicari : ";cin>>NIM_Cari;
            PNow = Head -> Next;
            if (PNow == NULL) {
             cout<<"Data Tidak Ditemukan karena List Kosong";
             while ((PNow != NULL) && (PNow -> NIM != NIM_Cari)) {
              PNow = PNow -> Next;
             if (PNow == NULL || PNow->NIM != NIM_Cari) {
              cout<<"Data Tidak Ditemukan.";
             else {
              cout<<"NIM           : "<<PNow -> NIM<<endl;
              cout<<"Nama              : "<<PNow -> Nama<<endl;
              cout<<"IPK             : "<<PNow -> IPK<<endl;
              cout<<NIM_Cari<<" ditemukan di posisi ke-"<<count<<endl;
   case 5 : // Delete Data
            int NIM_Hapus;
            char Jawab;
            int found = 0;

            cout<<"Masukan NIM yang akan dihapus : ";cin>>NIM_Hapus;
            HNow = Head -> Next;
            HBfr = NULL;
            if (HNow == NULL)
             cout<<"Data Tidak bisa dihapus karena List Kosong";
             while (HNow != NULL && !found)
                 if (HNow->NIM == NIM_Hapus)
                     found = 1;
                 else {   
                     HBfr = HNow;
                     HNow = HNow -> Next;
             if (!found)
              cout<<"Data Tidak Ditemukan.";
               cout<<"Yakin Nilai : "<<NIM_Hapus<<" Akan dihapus [Y/T] :";cin>>Jawab;
               if (Jawab == 'T' || Jawab == 't')
                cout<<"Proses Penghapusan Nilai "<<NIM_Hapus<<" dibatalkan"<<endl;
                if (Jawab == 'Y' || Jawab == 'y')
                 if (HBfr == NULL)
                  Head -> Next = HNow -> Next;
                  HBfr -> Next = HNow -> Next;
   case 6 : // Min & Max Value
   case 7 : cout<<"End of Application!!!";getch();break;
   default : cout<<"Salah pilih !!!";getch();break;

 }while (Pilih >= 1 && Pilih <= 5);
 return 0;

remember to always write the code...,do not copy and paste,"practice makes perfect..".

Individual tasks (SCL-4) :
1. Create a Pseducode algorithm
2. The task is gathered on march 15, 2016 (Next Tuesday) 

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