E-Learning Prefessional Ethics
Dear Students, for today lesson, you will be learn outside the classroom. As a matter of fact, I have alradey explained that for "Etika Profesi" we will get Big Project that must you present at session thirteen and fourteen. Here is the rule of your 'Big Project' : Each Group can use the previous group. Each group must choose the topic that related to Social Life (For Example : I find there is a 'GojeK Driver in Purwokerto who is still university student of Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto' Then I Observ to his house, I interview him and also there must be one of your friends who take the Video. The Video must be at least 15 minutes. You have to assume who are procuder, director, etc. Each group must choose unique topics (there is no the same topics; for the Group which used the same topics will be scored E). No Plagiarism form abother class or group that have same class of 'Etika Profesi' or Professional Ethics. Presentation will be at mee...