Be Smart using Internet

Well...Everyone, these days, who hasn't tried to use Internet, of course maybe..perhaps all of the people in this world already known about this technology. As jargon of IT about GIGO (if we put gold in of course if gets gold out), against to this jargon GIGO can also "garbage in and we get garbage out". Well..I just try to learn to be better, too in using Internet. Many people these days just using Internet for only like Facebook, Chat using Yahoo messenger or pidgin (for the ones who using Linux as operating system), or even just browse another URL address. But have we ever thaught for we try to use internet for getting a Job or something like that. For this session, I try to share about Blogging, as we know many domain can we get for free, like I use Blogspot. With crate free Blog at Blogspot, then I fill in of my articles which are I like to write down, and then I applied for Google Adsense, Finally after getting $100 , It can be withdrawal via "Western Union...