May I study in ITB

Hello Friends, Last January I tried to apply for getting scholarship for Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB). what should I do is to complete all the administrative requirements, I intended to get scholarship which is called BPPS (Beasiswa program pasca sarjana). I am not the clever one to choose ITB as my first choice.

My reason to choose ITB is because in Bandung there is no Universities that offer Informatics program except ITB, UPI (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) and UNPAD (Universitas Padjajaran) just offer for Computer science for Bachelor degree.

Last April I took the Entrance test for ITB, might, Alhamdulilah I pass department entrance test and TOEFL or now in ITB it's called EPT (English Proficiency Test), unfortunately I couldn't pass the TPA (test potensi akademik) BAPPENAS, oh dear just 10 point less for passing all the test.

what should I do, maybe just to wait for the next text in January 2009, Inysa Allah. If I were the have I took his offer to get to S2 ITB by following "special test", but maybe I have to prepared about 40 million rupiahs, oh dear "Who I am".

Perhaps, I just have to wait for getting another Scholarship or wait until the next chance, Frieds, please do your prayer for me :)

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