Midle Test Keys -- IT

Facing middle Test is can be thing easy, if we try to prepare it before. Yup, of course We must study learn and study hard before taking the Exam, Agree ^-^. Here are some keys for the Exams, but Of course we have to study it, No cheat in the Exam. Here is for Introduction to IT :

1.Explain computer clasification.
2.Give sample of implementation of Information Technology in Education Major.
3.convert the ASCII bellow to binner :
4.Convert Binner code bellow to ASCII :
5.Explain some terms in Object Oriented programming :
e.Open Source
6.Explain Computer System's view from Native user, PRogrammer and Operating System user.
7.Give attention to problem bellow:
Database Name : COMPANY
Table Name : Worker
No.Field Name Type Size Key
1 Id_worker text 10 PK
2 Nama text 35
3 Tahun_masuk Date -
4 Alamat text 45
5 Telpon text 20

a.Make database statement at SQL Server
b.Make table statement at Worker table
c.Fill in the data for Worker table <>

well, here are some keys for Operating System :
1.How do you know about these operating system, bellow :
b.Linux Mandriva 2008
c.Windos NT
2.Explain on how computer system's view by the difference user.
3.Explain smartly about PCB (Program Control Block)
4.Explain Scheduling Logarithm (SRF), explain what is advantage and the less of the Logarithm.
5.Explain about terms of Deadlock and Concurency.
6.Explain about some operating system bellow, about benefits, the less, implementation :
a.Distributed operating system
b.Network operating system

well, the last for Data Communication :
1.design and explain communication data model.
2.design and explain network data model.
3.Give real implementation of application data communication
4.what is distributed operating system, and give the sample.
5.Imagine you are working at Google. Inc :
a.Design data communication form UK Google to Asia Google
b.How we create the security for saving our data, information and fund.
Well, Good Luck ^-^.

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