Spirit for Tesis --Change Management

Alhamdulillah this morning I met my Lecture Adviser and he agreed about the guidlines before. Alhamdulillah these days I enjoy being IS people, I used to like just about technical such as building the program in Visual Basic.Net and SQL Server or try the new ones in Java, C++ and Orale. But now, it's really enjoy being Information System Manager, how can I think not only just think about technical but also manage some resources like Men (some programmers, Anaysts, DBA, etc) and some other resources to align between IT and objectives of the Enterprise.

Change Management build to transform from previous transition to the new state. for example when new Enterprise build "Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software" the board of director think that all the jobs in all functional areas will run well and all the staff will enjoy with the new sophisticated software. But in another side the executive management forgot, that managing people really different from managing other resources such as material and machine, some of the workers perhaps agree with the technology in another side some other ones feel that it can be attacking their curent jobs, they wory about the security, existing of previous jobs, etc.

in this session, the managers need to understand about "Change Management", perhapas eight steps Koter can be applied to understand and implement about successfull of Change management.perhaps this book can assist you who will understand about Change Management "Managing Organizational Change" the writers are Ian Palmer, Danford, and Gib Akin From McGraww Hill, Prentice Hall.

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